Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Sensation

What is it about that sensation that keep me submitted and yeilded to temptation?? I cant stand it..
The need to be sinfully screwing others in fornication while continually Screwing my self over in anticipation..
Always placing myself in these Soul-Shattering situations
Stuck in the cycle of frustration, When turn on watching pornographic movie stations
Then left searching for that next intimate relation, like the Lust Doctor seeking out that patient
Excited in anticpation waiting for that next moment of elation...
As my adrenaline runs high right before the tears begin to fall from my eyes
and a piece of my spirit dies. Again!!
Here I go into sin...
Down on my knees full of shame.. Calling on Jesus name
Confessing the played games apologizing for wanting sex while calling your name. (GOD!!)
Tryna Maintain as forgivness is obtained
Lord Please come and Reign
In... My... Life...
I can't overcome what you dont condone alone and on my own
So I write this poem..
Asking you to show me Why I continue to do wrong. I know in the bible you say flee from sexual immorality... But to me the reason why is somewhat of a mystery..
Especially considering that in this society when one strives for sexual purity
They're looked at as corny or crazy
But I know that's far from YOUR truth which is Reality
I just gotta learn to accept it... To correct and perfect my infected mentality.
So Father Please!!!
Teach me.. Reach me.. Beseech me..
And Allow me to see myself clearly
So that i may emerge victoriously from this shameful secrecy that keeps me from fully embracing my christianity and following you faithfully...
In this land of hook-ups and headgames
And appealing feelings of sexual healings
That run rampant in this miseducated world world which tells young boys and girls that Happines is found in someone who can make your toes curl..
No wonder we're in Peril
Equating Orgasms with love and keeping scorecards of beautiful
Altos && Sopranos...To inflate EGOs
And false images of Adulthood... That are many times thought of as all good
Instead of deep-seated issues which could stem from absentee Fathers...
And Bitter Mothers who leave us un-guided and unprepared for lief's surprises..
SO here were are hanging with our crew
Acting a fool
Thinking wisdom is to be found in a condom
Still blind and deaf to common sence
Unknowingly Following in Mom && Dad's footsteps
Lacking that spiritual depth to avoid the behavior that lead to
the broken heart's defect...Endless child-support debt
AND the HIV/AIDS Death... riddled with regret..
That leaves us paying our respects and speculating whether the orgasm's Sensation is really worth the Risk of bringing our spiritual, emotion, and physical entities near Death's Kiss